Nutrition and Workouts: The Twin-Remedy

Weight control programmes in past and recent times, have focused on either nutrition only or workouts only. This has largely contributed to the failure of many dietary programmes and or gym subscriptions.

As if warnings from the high failure rate were not sufficient to put the case to rest until a better alternative is found, it is reported that there's been an increase in demand for new health-focused diets and recipes, and personal trainers.

The demand for health-focused diets could be largely accounted for by the trend of food consumers requesting greater accountability and transparency on the food ingredients being marketed by food firms. 
Meanwhile, the Bureau of Labour Statistics in the US projects a 10% increase in demand for personal trainers up until 2026, with an estimated number of 299,200 personal training jobs available as at December 2018.

We at Healthy Nutrition Ghana prophesy that the demand for both new healthy diets and personal trainers would shoot up even more because of a number of reasons. A few have been enlisted below;
1. Our lifestyle is getting busier by the second as we try to catch up with technology and modern advancements.
2. Obesity is on the rise particularly linked to increased cravings for fast, junk food exacerbated by a rise in income levels of consumers.
3. Our eating habits overall remain bad irrespective of which foods we eat.
4. The count of calories and other seemingly health-conscious practices are overwhelming to most consumers.

Despite all these, it is undoubtedly clear that the vast solution to this age-old problem is the Twin-remedy: nutrition AND workout. 
It couldn't be otherwise! Our future posts would delve deeper into this issue.

Remember to place your orders for our Herbalife Nutrition products formulated and served aboard a thorough philosophy that incorporates the twin-remedy discussed in this post. We assign you a health coach to assist you use our products for great results, without neglecting workout supports.
We believe in 80% good nutrition, 20% workouts.

WhatsApp us on +233543651864 to place your order!

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