What To Do When Scammed By Your Self-Claimed "Distributor"

Due to the spike in internet fraud, a topic worthy of discussion is what to do when a self-claimed "Herbalife Distributor" frauds you. This topic is essentially crucial given that a large number of Herbalife Distributors (including myself) engage clients on a pre-order basis. As such, without the client sending in money for order, the order cannot even be placed and processed by Herbalife Corporate since the distributor would have to pay for the products plus shipping especially when the client is geographically distant. This online engagement system has worked perfectly for me for more than a year now. It is trustworthy. But let's not digress from our topic. What to do when scammed while placing orders is discussed below:

First, real Herbalife Distributors are most unlikely to scam you.  This is because Herbalife Corporate demands that distributors maintain the best professional relationships with clients. Actually, all distributors sign a contract of pledge to strong business ethical codes. 

Second, real Herbalife Distributors would not scam you because they would lose your trust and long-term customer relationship with them. Certainly, they would lose possible referrals you could send their way. I could go on and on. The repercussions of the scam is simply not worth the fleeting income distributors can flee with! 

I dare say no distributor would even want to scam you. But is that impossible? Well, let us be sceptical and say for a moment that a Herbalife distributor can scam you. If that happens, what recourse can you take? Three solid recourses are discussed.

1. You have to visit the official Herbalife Nutrition Ghana website and pick up the line of the Member Services Department. Give them a call and place your complaints. The website link and contact of the Member Services Department are attached at the end of this article. Member Services Department would investigate and get into the heart of the issue. The distributor in charge could be severally dealt with by being officially terminated from the Herbalife business once scam is confirmed.

2. You can report to the telecommunication network you use. Then your money can be reverted to you, granted you call early prior to the distributor using the funds. This is necessary only after you realize you have been scammed after paying for the products. This recourse should be taken cautiously only after you are certain you have been scammed. Else you jeopardize a genuine distributor's business. 

3. Remember to keep evidence of chats, amount sent and transaction reference number. If possible, conduct due diligence by reasonably ascertaining whether or not the self-claimed distributor is actually a genuine Herbalife distributor.

Depsite the above, it is worth mentioning that online businesses do face some delays in network issues, and even order processing and shipment procedures can slack at times. The distributor cannot control all these. Please take these recourses only when you satisfactorily confirm that the distributor scammed you.

To place an order for your products or get to know more about the Herbalife business opportunity, kindly WhatsApp Healthy Nutrition Ghana on +233543651864. 

Check out our other posts on the blog!

Herbalife Nutrition Ghana, Member Services Department can be contacted via: 
https://company.herbalifeghana.com/contact-us or +233 (0)302819240 from Monday to Friday, 8.00am to 5.00pm. 
